Cannot Remove Device from Alexa App | How to Unlink

Alexa Blue

Are you facing the frustrating issue of being unable to remove a device from your Alexa app?

You’re not alone! Many users have encountered this problem, and fortunately, there are steps you can take to resolve it.

In this article, we will guide you through troubleshooting methods to help you successfully remove a device from your Alexa app.

Can’t remove device from Alexa app?

If you can’t remove a device from the Alexa app, make sure the device is compatible, your network connection is stable, and the app is up-to-date. Try restarting the app, clearing its cache, or using a different device. Double-check your Amazon account login and consider contacting Amazon Support for further assistance.

Alexa App

In comparison to linking Alexa devices, unlinking is easier than to do. The procedures I have provided must be followed to unlink your Alexa devices from each other.

  • The first step is launching the Alexa app on your smart device. Open it and ensure you have signed in with the same Amazon account used for your Alexa devices.
  • Then, tap on the Devices icon to access your Alexa devices.
  • Then, you can pick the device that you want to unlink from other devices.
  • Tap on the device settings icon in the device page’s top-right corner.
  • Then, select the device you want to disconnect or remove from the list.
  • Then tap “Remove device”, and then you need to confirm the unlinking process by tapping “ok”.
  • You can successfully unlink your Alexa devices from each other by following the above steps. It is important to double-check the specific settings for the devices you want to unlink to ensure a smooth process.

How to remove a device from the Amazon app?

Removing smart home devices from Alexa settings is simpler. In this section, I’ll show you how to remove the device from the Alexa app on your phone.

As the first step, you need to launch the Amazon app, and from the bottom bar, tap on the profile tap.

Then tap on your account and tap on Content and Devices.

After that, tap on the Devices tab from the top bar. And also, to see all the registered devices, you need to tap on Amazon from the list. Finally, tap on Deregister to delete from each device you own and tap on Deregister from the ensuing popup.

Unable To Remove Devices from Alexa App


You can follow these troubleshooting steps if you cannot remove the devices.

First, you need to check whether the connection has been removed with the Amazon account because if you want to control the device connection, the device needs to be connected to the Amazon account.

If you can’t remove it even if it’s in the Alexa app’s device list, you should check the device’s status.

You will not be able to access the interface, and impossible to delete the device if the device is offline.

    The device is not connected to the Internet

    Make sure the Alexa device is properly connected to your internet connection. Check it out. Restart both your router and device, then try removing it from the Alexa app again.

    Device compatibility issues

    Check if the device you are trying to remove is compatible with the Alexa app.
    Refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines or contact their support team to ensure compatibility.

    Technical errors or software errors

    The Alexa App or the device itself may experience technical difficulties.
    Try force closing and reopening the Alexa app or restarting your device.
    Make sure your Alexa app and device firmware are up to date.
    If the problem persists, contact Amazon Support for further assistance.

    Why Would You Remove Alexa Devices?

    People tend to remove a device from Alexa for several reasons, such as buying incompatible items, the Alexa device could be faulty, require a return or replacement. The user replaced it with a newer model since they couldn’t have the Alexa-compatible device in their home. Organizations can gain help by removing such devices. A smart home may require a degree of organization beyond the traditional home. Inefficiency and confusion could have by having cluttered lists of items.

    My Alexa app isn’t recognizing my device. Is it because of removing it?

    There might have specific instructions on how to set up devices with Alexa. For setup guides, you have to check the manufacturer’s website before give-up and if it can’t be fixed with online resources, reach their support staff. Removing the device might be one of the reasons your Alexa app is not recognizing your device. To resolve that problem, you can try several steps, such as checking the Wi-Fi connection, rebooting the device, reinstalling the Alexa app and contacting Amazon support.

    Is it worth having a smart speaker?

    Installing a smart speaker can bring some benefits to your home. You can automate tasks, set scheduled events that trigger compatible devices at specific parts of the day, stream music and listen to your favorite podcasts, and more.

    Does Alexa slow down the internet connection?

    Alexa uses relatively minimal data compared to other devices, so it’s unlikely to slow down your internet.


    Although there are difficulties when trying to remove a device from the Alexa app, this problem can be solved. By ensuring device compatibility, updating the Alexa app, testing connectivity, disabling device skills, and resetting device settings, you can successfully remove the device from your Alexa app and take control of your smart home ecosystem. Don’t let these hiccups discourage you from enjoying the full potential of your Alexa-powered devices!

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